This is exactly what I mean. If you recall the definition, Location !=
URL. Instead, Location == URL + request params.

Most browsers build up page history using locations, of the browsers
known to me, only Opera uses actual responses. That means, that if you
load the same page five times in Opera, it will put five entries into
page history. But most other browsers do not do that, they put only
one entry in page history, because all pages has the same location.

Another trick is using redirection. Browsers "forget" location, which
preceds redirected request. If you redirect from each POST to result
page, result page is loaded with GET, this is how browsers work. Say,
you submit the same form three times, you have the following request
sequence: POST->GET->POST->GET->POST->GET, right? Three pairs of
POST->GET What goes to the page history? The answer is, that requests
preceding redirected request do not go, so it would be GET->GET->GET.
This is what sucky Opera is doing. They explain this by 13.13 chapter
of HTTP1.1 spec. Whatever. Other browsers do not do that, and also
consider themselves compliant to HTTP spec.

So, other browsers see that all GET in the GET->GET->GET point to the
same location (see definition above). So, they just throw all of them
but one, because they consider it the same resource. Now you get your
page history: ->GET-> That is all!

Now, combine that with non-cachable pages, and you can serve different
content from the same locaiton, which is stored in the same history
slot. This is how you get your single-page application or what I call
it, a "web island". You cannot go Back, because there is nowhere to go
back, and your page is always in sync with the server.

This is what DialogAction does, besides other things ;-))

I think I need to put "web island" chapter back into my article on JSP


On 7/7/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't understand your argument Michael.  Can you expand and/or clarify?
> Specifically, how is multiple Actions not serving from the same location?
> It's not the same URL, granted, is that what you meant?
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> On Thu, July 7, 2005 1:44 pm, Michael Jouravlev said:
> > On 7/7/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> (For any newbies reading this, the difference that matters is that with
> >> a
> >> DispatchAction, you have a single entry in struts-config, but you have
> >> to
> >> pass a parameter with each request.  With plain Actions, you would have
> >> multiple mappings like /setupForAdd, /setupForEdit, /add, /delete and so
> >> on in this case, but no parameter to pass around.  There are pluses and
> >> minuses to each approach, but they get you to the same basic place in
> >> the
> >> end.)
> >
> > Not really, unless you use mod_rewrite. Using single action allows you
> > to serve all pages from one location, which, combined with redirect,
> > usually makes a nice user experience. Most browsers put only one entry
> > in the page history because the location is always the same for all
> > response pages.
> >
> > Michael.

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