Perhaps I stated it unclearly.

I am using automatic validation, not manual validation (which uses validate 
method of the form bean). If the requirements aren't met, Struts will lead us 
to the input page (in my case the /WEB-INF/provider/addprovider.jsp) without 
going to the execute method of the AddProviderAction class.

So my question is: is there any place I can interrupt the request before the 
addprovider.jsp appears and displays the errors (I use <html:errors/> in that 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/7/2005 3:01:34 PM >>>
If your input attribute identifies an Action instead of a JSP page,
you can do whatever you need to do within that Action.

On 7/7/05, Thai Dang Vu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> This is my action declaration in struts-config.xml
>     <action path="/add_provider"
>             type="AddProviderAction"
>             name="addProviderForm"
>             input="/WEB-INF/provider/addprovider.jsp"
>             validate="true"
>             scope="request">
>     </action>
> In addprovider.jsp page, when I click 'Submit' and the requirements aren't 
> met, the request is forwarded to the input (which is 
> /WEB-INF/provider/addprovider.jsp). How and where can I get the request 
> before the input page appears (so that I can put something in the request to 
> make the input displays correctly)?
> Thanks.

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