At 12:14 PM -0400 7/8/05, Access Denied wrote:
It seems like the Web Flow subproject of spring is pretty cool,
especially for the age-old problem of the <back> button.

Yes, I thought it looked pretty cool as well; note however that I found it impossible to find a way to implement that in a Struts application. They provide a basic Struts Action class which is meant to help, but it really doesn't play nicely with common Struts approaches to form validation and display. If you choose to use Spring WebFlow in a Struts app, you will have to develop a pretty good understanding of Spring's model for validation and page display; I ultimately decided that I didn't want my application to have two substantially different approaches to the same thing, and implemented my own simpler webflow mechanism which fit better with the rest of the Struts app.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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