What's in this email?
o Name Change
o August meeting and "Code Night"
o September "Put up or shut up!"

Name change

As discussed on our mailing list, we have broadened the scope of our group. We are now officially called "The Atlanta Web Developers Users Group"

It just so happens (if you noticed from a few of my cross-posts from jbug-atlanta) that I have secured a nice meeting room to host our monthly meetings. The room is equipped with an overhead projector, tables, and there is free wireless internet throughout the building.

I would like to invite all of you to our next meeting on July 28, 2005 from 7PM to 9PM. I will do my best to provide drinks (Coke, Sprite, bottled water, etc) and a light snack (cookies, crackers, etc), but I can't guarantee I'll find a sponsor to provide that for us.

Would anyone like to volunteer to pick up the snacks, drinks, and ice if I can get a few dollars together?

The topic this month will be an open forum. In the past we have generally had good success with such a forum. I would like to hear from our members about what kinds of new things you are working on. Perhaps you've got a war story to tell. Maybe you just want to ask about some new technology that you or your company is evaluating.

What peaks your interest?

Please feel free to arrive as early as 6:30 if you like. I know I can never spend enough time networking.

Next month

What's next for August?

   --== - Code Night - ==--

If you've ever wanted to move to the next level of involvement in open source development (contributing code), join us for our first ever "Code Night".

I will hold the Matrix conference room for 4 hours so we can get down to business with what we do best - CODE!

When:  This is still not determined, but will likely be early in August.

Agenda (this is a first pass, it may change)

6:00 PM - 6:50 PM - Setting up your environment.
We will walk through installing each of the following:
- Cygwin
- jdk-1.4.2
- Ant
- Maven
- Eclipse 3.1
- Subversion client

7:00 PM - 7:45 PM - Build it.
- Retrieve the source (your choice) [MyFaces|Struts|Shale|Tapestry|Spring] project,
- Configure and build a complete distribution.

8:00 PM - 8:50 PM - To IDE or not to IDE.
- Get your chosen project setup and building in Eclipse.
- Modify something and generate a patch
- Attach the patch to an enhancement ticket.

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Open Lab
- If you were not able to complete any of the previous step,
  use this time to finish your tasks or ask any questions you like.

You are welcome to skip any of the initial portions of this class if you are already comfortable and ready to go.

Put up or shut up!

--==|| Web Development Shoot-out ||==--
Sponsored by EdgeTech, Inc.

I dare you to put your money where your mouth is. That's right! A knock-down, drag-out, no holes barred web development shoot-out. Do you like Struts? Do you prefer JSF? Do you think you can make a fully functional web application in Tapestry faster then the next team can do it in PHP? Give it your best shot baby! Events like this is where the rubber meets the road. So Put up or shut up!

When:  September 6, 2005
Where: Currently slated for the Matrix Resources training room,
      but we may quickly overflow that location if this event
      takes off as planned.

Time limit: 4 hours
Team limit: 5 people
The Project specification and requirements will be given to the teams all at the same time, that's when the clock starts. Your team can use any approach to getting the application written and deployed in the least amount of time. Don't forget to leave your code flexible to change, because there will be a change in requirements at the half way (2 hours) point.

This event requires registration, but is free of charge. The team that places 1st will receive an Apple iPod (sorry, just 1) and $50 gift certificates for each team member. As more sponsors come on board, the prizes may indeed increase in number and value.

All results will be posted online, no whining!

Feel free to use any framework(s) you like, but the final product must meet the requirements, and will be scored on functional completeness, creativity, and speed.

Stay tuned to this channel for more details in the coming weeks...

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM:   jmitchtx
Skype: jmitchtx

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