netsql wrote the following on 7/11/2005 2:15 PM:

I think it vastly simplifies to use Maps in places where I used to use beans. (I even got rid of baseBeans domain how much I loved maps)

Vic I think you sleep with the Map API under your pillow at night or use it as a Teddy Bear when you sleep:)

I agree Maps will work fine for rapid development, but I like the type safety of using typed properties in my VOs.

Just as an example, I know we both use iBATIS, under your Map idea, you could end up with the crap out occuring at the DB level whereas if you use a typed POJO you'll find the error much sooner. What if in your scenario you pass in some mangled up String represntation of a Date as your value in your map and the backend then needs to process that as Date in the DB? You'll end up with a DB exception. Using normally typed POJOs you won't have this problem since you'll catch it much sooner when trying to do the conversion of your String to Date.

The other aspect is just the pure functionality of using a typed VO vs a Map. For example if you are using a Map to represent an Employee how do you know what to name the keys? Someone can put in map.put("firstName", name ).. someone else might put map.put("fName", name ) ? even using Constants is messy (map.put(Constants.NAME, name).. granted that's better but now you have to maintain a constants class as well as you Map in place of a standard POJO?

How do you deal with these issues? How does a developer working on your code know how to even get the properties out of your Map? I guess he has to look at some API contract saying put date of birth in the Map as "dob" not "dateOfBirth." Also, the rapid development using Maps will sure end up being a drawback when you end up having to work with the Maps. In my IDE I can get dot completion to work easily but that's not gonig to work with your Map approach. If I need firstName from employee I can just do employee(dot)=[pop up of methods]... you're going to get .. employee. [ get, put, etc Map methods !]

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