Hi all,
I want to set records come from database into a html:select tag. I found some 
example like below
<html:select property="selectedItem">
  <html:options collection="customers" property="id" labelProperty="name" />

When I set th options as static , the list comes without any problem. But when 
I create a html:select dynamicly from DB , I get error.

In my Action class, it has a method called getSikayetler() like this.

 Sikayet sikayet = null;
 ArrayList sikayetler = new ArrayList();

 while (rs.next()) {
                sikayet = new Sikayet();


When I created an ArrayList, I send it to my Action class and in my Action 
class I set this ArrayList to request like below 


ArrayList listeDondur = getSikayetler();

request.setAttribute("sikayetler", listeDondur);


sikayetler ArrayList is not null and empty, I tested it.


How must I use this request object called sikayetler in html:select ? 


<html:select property="tumSikayetler">
        <html:options collection="sikayetler" value="sikayetKodu" 
label="sikayet" />


usage of above is wrong?


In Sikayet class there are get and set methods like sikayetKodu and sikayet .


How can I fill html:select tag with records coming from DB? 


Any help, sample codes?





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