In 7/11/05, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wanted to post something like "Rick, Ted and other orthodox guys,
> check out this guy's suggestion", but then I decided not to ;-)

Wow! That may have been the first time anyone has ever accused me of
being "orthodox" :)

I've never used this strategy myself, but I don't see anything wrong
with it. In fact, if  I were to start coding in Java again, this is
the strategy I would probably use. At this point, I'm accustom to
having a code-behind, and the ActionForm is the closest thing Struts
has to a code-behind.

If I were to use this strategy, I'd select the parameters to the
Execute signature with care. There may not be any reason to pass the
HTTP parameters out of the call, and there may be a reason  to pass
the Action. I would just be careful of using the parameters from the
Struts Execute signature, unless my code actually needed those

I also wouldn't hestitate to put some "traffic cop" code into the base
Action as needed, so that the ActionForm execute can focus on what it
needs to do, rather than what the application needs to do.

I'd also consider using a base ActionForm with all the properties my
application needs, which I could then extend with execute and validate
methods, as needed.

Though, I'd probably use a DynaActionForm instead of a conventional
ActionForm as the base class, just for the agility.

Most importantly, I'd make very sure that all my "code-behind
ActionForms" were request scope, probably by changing the factory


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