1. Files under WEB-INF cannot be accessed directly from outside, that
is, from browser
2. Redirect generates a new browser request to the server

So, the answer is "not possible" in your current configuration.

JSP generally should not be accessed from outside, they should be
forwarded to from an action class. You redirect to an action, which
forwards to JSP. This will work.


On 7/14/05, rajiv verma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I want to place my JSPs under the WEB-INF directory[login directory].
> How ths struts-config entries should look in this case.
> If I try to add the following forward--entry:
> <forward name="success" path="/login/welcome.jsp" redirect="true"
> contextRelative="false" />
> But, this by default looks everything under the context[root].
> Any solution to this? I know there is forward pattern, I was trying to
> make use of it, but does not seem to work.
> Thanks,
> Rajiv

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