Thanks Wendy, I realy appreciate the effort you put in to
explain these things.

Cheers, Alex.

On 7/15/05, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Aleksandar Matijaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > these roles you mention, are these JAAS roles? I think that JAAS
> > roles would be way too much of an overkill for me...
> Definitely not JAAS. And in my case, not even Container-Managed Security
> (though it pretends to be). :)
> I have Struts Menu configured to use the result of calling
> request.isUserInRole() to decide whether to display a menu item. This is 
> as
> simple as using the "magic" value 'rolesAdapter' in the tag, which causes 
> it
> to use its RolesPermissionsAdapter:
> <menu:useMenuDisplayer name="TabbedMenu"
> bundle="org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE"
> permissions="rolesAdapter"> ...
> I didn't look closely, but I'm fairly sure you can plug in a different
> PermissionsAdapter if you need to.
> In my case, authorization info is stored in a database [that does not 
> easily
> speak JDBC] underneath a 3rd party telnet app. I have a Filter in front of
> the webapp that gets the authorization info out of the database, places a
> 'User' object in the session, and then wraps the request and overrides
> isUserInRole().
> To do this "right" you'd probably want to override getUserPrincipal as
> well-- in fact if you can wait a bit, I *think* Frank has in mind to add a
> generic, configurable version of this idea to his Java Web Parts project.
> --
> Wendy Smoak
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