I posted some thoughts in response to this and Greg's entry to my blog:


Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to post to Greg's comments (it keeps asking me to login again)... Would somebody be so kind as to post the link there for me?


Craig McClanahan wrote:
(It's still Friday here on the Pacific Coast, so I'll sneak in a late question)

One of my colleagues at Sun, Greg Murray, is spec lead for the next
rev of the Servlet API.  He has recently written a blog asking for
input on what you'd like to see in the next version:


My particular question (well, questions :-) for the Struts community:

* What technology do you currently use for authentication and authorization
  in your web applications?

* If you use the container managed security faciities of your container,
  does it completely meet your needs?  If not, what else would you like to see?

* If you don't use container managed security (i.e. the facilities
defined in the
  servlet and J2EE, err, Java EE specifications), what capabilities would you
  need to have available before you'd consider using the container facilities?

For maximum positive benefit to the world, please cc your responses
both here and reply to Greg's blog (at the URL listed above).  Of
course, you're welcome to comment (on the blog) about any other
features you'd like to see the Servlet spec standardize, but tonight
I'm particularly interested in this particular aspect.


Laurie, Open Source advocate, Java geek and novice blogger:

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