Yeah, wouldn't help you filter on output, but I pointer that out before :)

Note that it does allow you to specify your own regex, so in reality you can filter for whatever you want. I did this specifically so when someone spots something I didn't think of it's easy to make it catch those too.

FYI, while I find it ironic to reference a Microsoft resource on a security exploit, they actually do have a decent little page about XSS...;en-us;252985


Laurie Harper wrote:
Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Not a problem...

In the javawebparts.filter package, you should see the

This will filter any incoming parameters, and optionally attributes (good
for if your forwarding somewhere) for a list of characters (you can alter
what it looks for via regex).

Ah, I initially skipped that package, thinking a servlet filter wasn't really what I was after. Browsing through the code, it seems I was right.

For one thing, I want to filter text on output, not filter request parameters on input. But more important, your filter only checks for (and rejects) anything with a few particular characters -- all of which are valid in most cases from an XSS-prevention standpoint.

For what it's worth, injecting XSS attacks through that filter is pretty easy. For example, the following wouldn't be caught:

  <script type="text/javascript">HOSTILE CODE HERE</script>

I'm hoping I can find something that addresses all the nefarious XSS strategies out there. It's not easy to implement something that's complete, especially when you try to deal with embedded CSS in the HTML you're trying to sanitize...!

Thanks for the link though :-)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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