Michael Jouravlev wrote the following on 7/18/2005 3:59 PM:
ActionForm.reset() for session-scoped forms, ActionForm.ActionForm() for request-scoped forms. I do not remeber, if reset() is called for request-scoped forms.
Yes, reset is always called when the form submits. I know I mentioned in this in another post but I would disagree with repopulating your beans in the reset() UNLESS... you did adopt the whole ball of wax the way you have designed your stuff Michael. In other words if you go with your approach of the form beans doing other stuff than holding user input, than you can go ahead and mess with the reset doing that kind of stuff, but if Mike is sticking to 'typical' Struts than I wouldn't recommend repopulating in the reset.
Why would you want to use request scope anyway? I use session scope and I am pretty happy.
Well I could see for large forms with nested data it might not be a great idea to keep these around in the Session. I 'try' to stick to using the Request when I can.... but I don't bend over backwards like some do on this list to avoid the Session.. I'm in "The Session is your friend" camp:). Request will work fine however for Mike's situation. He just needs to wrap his collection in his ActionForm around a LazyList (or he can use a regular list and do the handcranking approach of incrementing the size when needed in the getList property in his form. LazyList is cleaner, though).
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