
I have a DynaForm with some beans stored in an array:
    <form-bean name="admin.editClubForm"
      <form-property name="features" type="persistent.Feature[]"/>        

I have the form-bean declared as session scope for my actions:
    <action path="/admin/editClubInit" type="admin.EditClubInit"
name="admin.editClubForm" scope="session">
      <forward name="success" path="/admin/editClub.do"/>
    <action path="/admin/editClub" forward="admin.editClub" />
    <action path="/admin/editClubAction" type="admin.EditClubAction"
name="admin.editClubForm" scope="session">
      <forward name="failure" path="/admin/editClub.do"/> 
      <forward name="success" path="/admin/showClubs.do" redirect="true" /> 

The persistent.Feature class has a field text with setText and getText

When want want to display the data, I first call /admin/editClubInit
to populate the DynaForm.  Here is the code that does that:
    Feature[] features = new Feature[NUM_FEATURES];
    for( int i=0; i<NUM_FEATURES; i++ ) {
        features[i] = new persistent.Feature("Test ["+i+"]");
    df.set("features", features);
After populating the form, the EditClubInit action forwards to user to the
page to
display the form.  Here is the JSP code that shows the data:
        <logic:iterate name="admin.editClubForm" property="features"
          <html:textarea name="feature" property="text" indexed="true"
rows="3" cols="75"/>

The data appears correctly on the page.

Unfortunately, when I submit the form to my action class to process it,
I do not get the text I submitted.  I get the original text that
EditClubInit prepopulated the form with.

Here is the code I am using to retrieve the data:

      Feature[] features = (Feature[]) df.get("features");
      for( int i=0; i<features.length; i++ ) {
        System.err.println( "Feature["+i+"] is "+features[i].getText());

Any ideas why this would not be working?

If you need to see more details, I can provide them.
I was trying to focus on what I thought would be helpful.


Neil Aggarwal, JAMM Consulting, (214) 986-3533, www.JAMMConsulting.com
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