On 7/20/05, Nitish Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally, I am not a big follower of EJB and I echo the sentiments that
> EJBs are a performance killers. My own experience with Entity Beans has not
> been pretty good.

That is not an uncommon experience (although I hope you understand
that your experience is not universal :-).

> So until you have some very strong reasons to go for EJB, dont!

That is a *ridiculously* simplistic distillation of your real life experience.

You talked about having problems with entity EJBs, not session EJBs. 
Two different animals.

You (presumably) are talking about entity beans in a EJB 1.x or 2.x
world.  Have you tried entity beans in a 3..x world?  Have you used
session EJBs (of any generation) at all?

Whenever I see absolutist statements like this one, I am reminded of
an aphorism I learned when I was in high school, but has applied
pretty much universally in the decades since then:

    "All generalizations are false ... including this one."


Craig McClanahan

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