Hi there,
I am currently using the struts validator, and it is working pretty good.
My basic error block looks like this:


<td colspan="2"><font color="red"><bean:message key="errorTitle" 
<html:messages id="error">

<td><font color="red"><bean:write name="error" /></font></td>

As I said, it loks fairly simple and it works. HOWEVER, I would like
to automatically place a little red * right beside the input field.
For my password confirmation field, wnen I put

<html:errors property="confirm_password"/>

beside the text field, I get the WHOLE STRING for the 'required' validation,
instead, I would like to display only a *. I tried
 <html:errors property="confirm_password">*</html:errors>
 But that does not work, because html:errors tag does not take a body...
 Any ideas?
 Thanks, Alex.

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