I still have no solution to my problem, but I
tested the application with Tomcat instead of
Resin as Servlet-Engine, and it worked.

Unfortunately we have to deploy the application
with Resin.

I think I will use the workaround and copy all the
formular-data to a seperate object which I put
in Session-Context.

If someone has an idea why it works with Tomcat but
not with Resin, please tell me.


In the case you outlined, wizardForm should be placed into the session scope when leaving the Funds action. You are not required to use the struts tags to access the data, but if you are using the struts html tags for input etc, you will need to use the html:form tag. If you are not using the struts tags, you should still be able to use the form bean with a standard <jsp:usebean id="wizardForm" scope="session"> You should also be able to access it from other action classes by explicitly calling the getAttribute("wizardForm"). When you say that it is instantiated with every new page, how are you attempting to access the bean?
Martin Morawetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                        Martin Morawetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                        07/19/2005 07:12 AM
                        Please respond to
                        "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org>


Struts Users Mailing List <user@struts.apache.org>


Re: instantiation of actionforms in session scope


Thanks a lot for your answer.

 > There could be several poteintal problems.
 > 1) make sure the JSP does not have the session=false page directive set.

It doesn't.

 > 2) Make sure you are referencing the form using the same name as you
> have it defined in the struts config (remember capitalization does count).

I've checked that and than again, the right bean gets filled with the
right parameters from the request, so I think the problem isn't the
configuration. The problem arises on the following pages, where I need
the data to, but the bean gets instantiated with every new page again.
The following lines are from my struts-config.xml:

    <form-bean      name="wizardForm"
   <action  path="/Funds"

 > 3) Make sure you are accessing the form from within the html:form tag
 > and that the struts action specified in the form action has the expected
 > form as the type in the struts config.

I don't use html:form-tags. Could that be a problem?

 > Hi to all,
 > I use a formbean within session-scope (declared in
 > struts-config.xml). However it behaves like it would
 > be within request-scope. Every new page it gets
 > instantiated again. I checked the sessionid and
 > it is every page the same, so I guess am within the
 > same http-session.
 > Does anyone have some ideas what the reason may be?
 > Every hint is highly appreciated.



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