
Lucas Bern wrote:
> Hi, I think the problem should be arround the SurveySubmit action...
> Coul you paste that definition form struts-config???

    <action path="/SurveySubmit"

> What is failing??, the load of the form, or the submit???

tomcat barfs about not finding a form bean for /Survey. note:

    <forward  name="survey"             path="/Survey.do"/>

and that survey is /SurveySubmit input source.

it's a simple form display/submission pattern that i've used in a number
of web applications (that has always worked).  even wierder, it always
works the _first_ time the app is depolyed.. after that, it's hosed.

hosed in the sense that reoloading the original URI (that worked the
first time) barfs.  worse yet, the web.xml error-page directive is
ignored and the exceptions are displayed on the browser.

any ideas or thoughts greatly appreciated.

cheers -gm

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