Finally a question I can answer!

Below is my code to do what you want. The value of the button pressed
will be stored in the bean's submit variable (which you must create).
The bean:message tag is there so that the button's title will be set
according to the locale setting. app.submit, app.renew, and app.replace
refer to the application resource file(s).


          <html:submit value="submit" property="submit">
            <bean:message key="app.submit"/>
          <html:submit value="renew" property="submit">
            <bean:message key="app.renew"/>
          <html:submit value="replace" property="submit">
            <bean:message key="app.replace"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Sundberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:53 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Which button was pressed?


I have a form where a user should be able to request a report. The user
enters two dates and then presses either a button labeled pdf, html och
How can I read in my action which button was pressed?

My form looks something like this:

The button part of my form looks something like this:

<html:submit value="pdf"
               alt="Create a pdf file"/> <html:submit value="html"
               alt="View report as html online"/> <html:submit
               alt="Create a tab separated text file for import in

I haven't seen any good examples when looking in the docs and searching
the web. I assume I wan't to add something to the html:submit, perhaps
use the property tag(?), or can I be able to read the value of the
button pressed?
How do I read the value in my action?


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