I agree fully, but, unfortunately, I can't do a whole lot about it. 
The databases were set up before I started on the project and I guess
the DBA was pretty hard nosed about changing from how he wanted it. 
Oh well.

~ Andrew Tomaka

On 7/27/05, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/27/05, Andrew Tomaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I realized the
> > problem was actually a bit more complex than I was making it.  The
> > database table I am editing requires two primary keys to make an entry
> > unique (I'm a firm believer in a single PRImary key, but it wasn't my
> > choice).
> Are you are talking about a composite PK?
> > One of the two keys can be changed by this form, so it
> > causes problems.
> It is usually a bad idea to use domain data as PK. Having modifiable
> PKs is [generally] one of the worst ideas.
> Michael.
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