From: "Marco Mistroni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes I actually reverted to using c:if, and it worked
Just fine....

I wanted just to report the situation to see if I was
Using the taglib incorrectly...

<logic:present name="${sessionScope.results}">

Even if you're going to use an expression, the 'name' attribute should still
evaluate to the _name_ of the bean, not the bean itself.

If this works:
<c:forEach  var="entry" items="${sessionScope.results}">
  .... // this displays the loop data

Then the <logic:present> tag would be:
  <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="logic" %>
  <logic:present name="results" scope="session">

No EL required for that one.  But do use the JSTL tags instead whenever
possible. :)

[BTW, in a Servlet 2.3 container, you do not need all those <taglib> tags in web.xml. If you use the correct URI, the tlds will be located in the .jar files in WEB-INF/lib.]

Wendy Smoak

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