You're theory is correct. The input stream is consumed as it is parsed.

The process flow doesn't seem to match what I'm seeing (Struts 1.2.4). In
1.2.4 all off this is handled in the request processor - not the servlet.
The very first thing the request processor does (in processMultipart) is to
parse the input stream and put all of the request paramaters in the wrapped
request object.

You can access these with a simple request.getParamater() in
processPreprocess in your extended request processor.

There is still a problem with multipart requests in that the parameters are
never available in JSPs, as they get the original (rather than the wrapped)
request. I overcome this by coppying the paramaters into a request scoped

Hope this is of some use.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carl Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 28 July 2005 15:38
> To:
> Subject: multipart request issues
> I am having issues to get the request parameters from a 
> multipart request, le me explain my problem first:
> Our flow of process is:
> (1) a multipart request is submitted to a struts action 
> (let's say using POST
> (2) the multipart request is processed by 
> ActionServlet.process() method
> (3) in our processPreprocess method, which overrides 
> processPreprocess in from struts,
> we need the parameters from this multipart request thus I am 
> doing this:
> CommonsMultipartRequestHandler commonMultiPartHandler = new 
> CommonsMultipartRequestHandler(); 
> try {
> commonMultiPartHandler.handleRequest(request);
> }catch(Exception e){
> // some handling
> }
> Hashtable ht = commonMultiPartHandler.getTextElements(); // 
> thus I get the parameters from the request
> (4) however, all the fields/parameters in multipart request 
> are no longer there in the
> Can you help me find out why this is happening? One theory is 
> that a multipart request can't be parsed twice. Is this 
> correct, if it is correct, do you have any alternative?
> Thanks.
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