I've work for the USPS for 3 years and now work for the DOD. At the PO we
moved from pojos to iBatis, although there was another team trying to get
Hibernate going. Now with the DOD, we use EJBs, although I and a colleague
have tried to persuade our architech to use ANYTHING other than EJBs. I
don't think this fully answers your question but it's a start. 

Mariano Hernandez

-----Original Message-----
From: Access Denied [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 8:50 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; Ed Griebel
Subject: Re: [OT] Hibernate vs. iBatis vs. POJO

I bought James Elliott's "Hibernate" (O'Reilly Developer Notebook
Series 2004), but a search for "iBATIS" on amazon returns books like
"Pocket Guide to the Birds of Britain and North-West Europe" and "An
Introduction To The Mystical Use of Classical Persian Poems."  Is
there any timely definitive literature available for iBATIS?  In this
realm, at least, it looks like Hibernate rules.

I have also recently noticed that any job opportunities specifying a
java persistence technology requires Hibernate; I have yet to run
across any requirements for iBATIS.  Does Hibernate dominate in
business and government, too?

It has also been my general experience that clients demand impossible
deadlines, mainly, I think, because most do not have a clue when it
comes to SDLC and due diligence.  I've worked at many companies and
agencies over the years and changing jobs has not changed the lack of
appreciation for the SDLC outside of IT.  The comment that
"contractors are assumed to already know the technology" is true; the
facts of tech life is anathema to this assumption.  For a personal
example, I was using java 1.2 and struts 1.0 on my last java job, but
now with java 5.0, struts 1.2 and spring, the landscape has changed
dramatically.  We have no choice but to learn new stuff by the seat of
our pants.


On 7/22/05, Ed Griebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All too often that's how it works. If you say no, there are people
> that will say yes. Even if they end up taking as much time as you said
> it would, they've got the project, not you. Sometimes the short time
> is understandable, possibly due to uncontrollable situations, but most
> of the time it's due to poor (or too much!) planning. Many times the
> situation described below is a start to negotiations on budget, scope,
> resources, etc., but not always :-)
> -ed
> On 7/22/05, netsql <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
> > It has not been unusual to estimate three months
> > > for something, and that's fairly realistic to do it right, and the
> > > business says "nope, 1.5 months is when we need it".
> >
> >
> > I need you to paint the house, but I only have budget to wash my hair?
> >
> > That is no respect and a bit like slavery!
> >
> >
> > .V
> >
> >
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