Konrad Billewicz wrote:

value="<%= SomeConstantsHolderClass.CONSTANT_STRING + SomeConstantsHolderClass.CONSTANT_STRING %>" />

<html:form action="<%= action %>">
It's not exactly what I expected, but it's better solution than mine. Ideally I thought 
about complete aviodance of <% and %> tags. I wish to use only Struts tags in order 
to concatenate two strings and put them as an action property for <html:form> tag. Is 
it possible?

I thought that using <% and %> in Struts-driven applications is rather bad idea for common things. Such form action with parameter is probably common thing...
I've never put a parameter in a form's action attribute--why would you want to do that? Wouldn't it be much cleaner to use a hidden form field with the appropriate parameter name?

So your original example would be (minus whatever silly syntax mistakes because I'm groggy):

<html:form action="createDictionaryEntity">
 <html:hidden property="dictionary"/>
 <!-- ... -->

and whatever loads the form puts the appropriate dictionaryId value into the ActionForm?


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