Another option other the solution below, that might even be easier to implement... When sessionCreated is called it puts a simple flag in the ServletContext. Then in the filter that checks to see if there is a valid session, you check to see if this flag is in the Servlet context. If it is not, you direct the user to the login page (and make sure to invalidate his session). The only time this flag should not be in scope is when the application is first started up or it was restarted (I'm assuming app scoped items in the ServletContext aren't restored upon restart ). This should solve our problem. The benefit of this approach is that it won't require the coding of the BindingListener as described below.

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 7/29/2005 8:05 PM:
Tamas Szabo wrote the following on 7/28/2005 11:56 PM:

However, I would like to have a general solution for this and since we took the time to think it over
we could have this code somewhere so it will be reusable in the future.

Well, if we want a general solution that 'should' truly work, then we might want to go back with my initial way I was doing things (not shown in this thread)...

That is you keep a Set of sessionIDs in ApplicatonScope (in my simple case I didn't use a Set, but for flexiblity to allow multiple Sessions a Set should work fine). The filter than checks to make sure your sessionID matches one in the set. The slightly annoying part is it also requires an HttpSessionBindingListener. When valueBound is called (when putting the implementation of HttpSessionBindingListener in scope in your standard SessionFilter), it will check to see if I can add another item to the static Set of sessionIDs. When valueUnbound is called, it will remove the sessionID from the static Set (if it's in there). I would think this should work when the app server is restarted since I'm hoping ServletContext bound items (the Set of sessionIDs) will be dropped? If so this solution should work (albeit a bit more annoying to configure with the dependency on HttpSessionBindingListener).


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