d d

This depends on which machine you only want the "bit" to be refreshed. With Tiles, it will only refresh the bit that needs refreshing on the server, but the whole page will be refreshed on the client regardless. I think if you wanted to achieve what you are asking, frames really is the only (and not very nice, IMHO) solution. However, there is AJAX (have a look at Frank Zammetti's implementation, AJAX Struts, or Struts AJAX - it is on the Struts WIKI). AJAX can refresh/build sections on the screen without the entire page being refreshed, and Frank's implementation works very nicely.


Christopher Marsh-Bourdon
AIM: marshbourdon

On 30 Jul 2005, at 10:12, d d wrote:

i am building an application where i have to refresh a perticular part of page rather than whole page..I used the concept of IFRAMES but it takes hell lot of time to load and refresh..I guess struts tiles may be useful here. Any idea if we can refresh only a part of full tile keep other parts untouched??

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