I'll have to have a dig around on there. I find sites like that tend to have an overwhelming amount of trivial or just plain annoying scripts (I *hate* sites that have a little bumble bee chasing my mouse around the page ;-) rather than full-on UI components, but having done very little with Javascript in the past I haven't developed good filtering skills for digging out the good stuff yet.

Thanks for the link,


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:


I don't recall ever actually using anything from that site, I tend to write all my own client-side stuff, but I've very definitely gotten inspiration from some of the stuff there. :)


Laurie Harper wrote:

When it comes to server-side Java components and libraries, I generally find most of what I need at Jakarta or elsewhere at Apache; it's certainly one of the first places I always look. Is there a 'Jakarta' of client-side components?

Lately I've been keeping my eye out for good Javascript resources, from AJAX frameworks to calendar controls like the one Wendy recently posted a link to [1] to cool visual effects [2] and dynamic UI components [3].

What are your favourite sources for this kind of thing? Do you have any particularly neat examples nestled amongst your bookmarks?


[1] http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar/
[2] http://script.aculo.us/visual-effects
[3] http://openrico.org/rico/livegrid.page

Laurie, Open Source advocate, Java geek and novice blogger:

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