From: "Michael Jouravlev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With Tapestry you create HTML template for each page, then stick data
into it, using jwcid attribute. Your webdesigner is happy.

With JSF you compose page using JSF tags either manually or using
visual IDE, and then JSP/JSF engine will generate HTML in the runtime
(I don't know how HTML is generated if you do not wrap JSF markup with
JSP). Your webdesigner is not too happy, he needs to learn new IDE and
the final page design may be not too... er... artistic, as with plain

Or... with JSF + Shale, you create an HTML template for each page, then stick data into it, using the 'jsfid' attribute. Your webdesigner is happy again. ;)

Here's an example using Shale's Tapestry-like views from the Rolodex in the 'use cases' webapp:

Wendy Smoak

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