
This is Struts-related because I'm using Struts, other than that it's more of a project management thing. I am not a project manager; I pretty much suck at anything smelling even slightly of management, and I hate most everything about project management.

That said, I'm trying to figure out if the guesstimate I made originally for a current project is even in an appropriate ballpark. So with my sketchy outline below, if anybody wants to tell me what they think it should have taken me to implement this I'd be grateful :)

-- Basic "unit" is an Event.
-- Events have exhibitors and managers. (There is also an "admin" role; actions have role-based access perms.) -- Exhibitors can post announcements of event-specific announcement types for event-specific product categories. -- Announcements may have "enhancements": individually-priced "add-ons" like a web link, email, PDF upload, etc. The rendering of the enhancements is event-specific (via a template in the DB and a property set specific to that enhancement type). -- Posting an announcement consists of entry, confirmation, cart display, checkout, and thank you pages. -- Managers may also post announcements that do not go through the cart/checkout process. -- Managers must approve or reject announcements; rejected announcements send an email to the poster and aren't included in announcement compilation. -- Rejected announcements are editable/re-submittable via a link in the email and get put back in the announcement approval bin. -- Admin users "compile" event announcements (sorted by announcement type then product category) and get an HTML chunk back that they paste into their own marketing email system. -- Paid/approved event announcements are viewable in an event's announcement archive. -- Event archive is sorted by product category (pick a product category, see announcements for that prodcat; only prodcats with announcements are presented) -- Each event has a "vanity url"; system entry is via http://blahblah.com/${urltag}/${subsystem} where ${subsytem} is something like 'manager', 'exhibitor', 'archive', 'admin', etc. -- CRUD exists for the obvious things: events, event announcement types and product categories, event managers, etc.
-- announcement types have individual prices
-- exhibitors may be supplied with $ credits for purchasing, updatable by admins by either adding to existing $ or by replacing
-- exhibitor file upload (CSV of exhibitors for a given event)

I think that's the bulk of it.

I'm _REALLY_ curious as to what people think the amount of effort for something like this is--any input would be great!


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