Craig McClanahan wrote:

On 8/17/05, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think storing it under the Tomcat config directories would be a really
bad idea, since they're application (not server) level configs.

Personally, I keep things like this in either web.xml, a struts config
file, or an application-specific configuration mechanism (generally XML
or YAML).

There is actually a counter-argument to this that matters a lot in
some environments, where storing application-specific configuration
information externally is the best answer.  In many development
environments, an application gets deployed to at least two
(development and production), and often three (development,
test/staging, and production) different servers, each connected to
different database and other resources, and perhaps configured with
different application specific settings.

Externalizing the configuration into the server settings lets you take
*exactly* the same WAR file and deploy it into each of these
environments, without having to bust it apart and change the
appropriate settings each time.
Ooo, yeah, that's a good point... Hrm.

Man, there goes my Wednesday :/


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