Thanks to both of you, that definitely helped.

I'm going to go read a tutorial or two now... I actually have in the past, and also saw some code-intensive demos at two user group meetings, so I thought I had at least the JSF basics in my brain already... as it turns out, that might not be quite true :) And in any case, this is the first attempt I've made at actually getting hands-on.


David G. Friedman wrote:

I hate to try to answer a question after Craig, but from my JSF newbie point
of view, I didn't get an answer I'd want from his letter.  So, here's my try
to help answer your questions.  Just keep in mind I'm re-reading (2nd time
around) a JSF book so I'm no authority.

MyFaces, JSF actually, doesn't care about action mappings, like Struts does.
When a url comes in which maps to JSF (or Myfaces) such as a *.faces URL,
JSF looks for a file matching that url but ending in .jsp, not .faces.
That's how /usecases.faces maps automatically to /usecases.jsp.

Why does it do that?  The mapping of *.faces allows MyFaces/JSF to do the
JSF tricks listed in the jsp file which could include bean auto-population,
page redirects, validations, navigations, callback functions, templates,
etc.  A tree is made of the JSF components from that page so further visits
to that page don't require a rull re-parse of the page.  In my opinion, JSF
navigation seems to care more about the direction of where to navigate next
than how to come into a page.  You'll see loads of those 'where to next'
ideas in the faces-config.xml file as 'navigation-rule' sections.

A few useful tidbits of knowledge:

1. Everything JSF starts inside the f:view tags.

2. The *.faces don't have to map to *.jsp extension files. A servlet
container configuration parameter allows you to specify the default
extension to use so you could use something other than *.jsp for your actual
files.  You can also change your incoming *.faces URL mapping to *.html to
hide the fact that you're using JavaServer Faces.

3. JSF can be sufficiently complicated to 'look at' if you haven't read a
JSF tutorial or book so jumping into Shale could be even more confusing.
Shale confuses me some and I've read a JSF book once (I'm on read #2 as I

4. There are plenty of JSF tutorials at (I've read a
few of them, I'm reading about Facelets now - kind of a 'Shale Clay'
alternative.)  This includes a section on their front page entitled: Golden
Collection for JSF Newbies.

5. navigation-rules got a little confusing for me when looking at JSF with
Tiles, especially with Shale's Tiles mapper.  I think it (Shale's Tile
mapper) looks for a tile with a name very similar to the jsp name and if one
isn't found, it skips tiles and looks for a regular jsp instead.  Craig
could comment on that if I'm wrong or off slightly but I think I just read
about that last week.

6. In case you need it, myfaces is at  Tomahawk
if the name of their set of custom add-on components, which you don't need
if you are trying out JSF.  You can just use the MyFaces (non-Tomahawk
stuff) implementation of JavaServer Faces.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 12:53 AM
To: Struts User
Subject: [SHALE] Simple "getting started"-type question

Hi everyone,

I'm finally getting a little bit of time to look at Shale, with the
intent of doing the Mailreader app under it as I offered to do a few
weeks back... although I was thinking of writing a blog app instead
since I wanted to re-do mine anyway, but that is neither here nor there :)

I'm looking at the use cases app, as that seemed like the logical place
to begin... there's quite a bit in there, it's a bit overwhelming to
start, and, after just a few minutes of browsing, I have a question
already :)

Looking at index.jsp, I see a forward to usecases.faces.  My question
is, where is that mapping defined?  It's obviously winding up at
usecases.jsp, and I can see that .faces is mapped to FacesServlet in
web.xml, so it's straight-forward to an extent, but I'm not seeing in
the config files were something akin to a Struts path to /usecases is
defined.  I assumed it would be in faces-config.xml, but unless I'm
really missing something, it's not (by the way, I *DO* assume I'm
missing something there!).


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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