<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:dispatchIt();"
property="method"> <bean:message key="button.add"/></a>

Well, if it worked like the html:button, it would send the method with the
value from the bean. But it obviously doesn't. So, I put this js function to
be called onclick:

function dispatchIt()

And that's causing the error. So, if the property=method doesn't work, and
passing it literally doesn't work... that means I cannot use links to submit
the form? Or am I doing it totally wrong?

You're on the right track... but I admit to just hardcoding the text value for the
button. :)

Change it to method=Add (or whatever the value is from ApplicationResources.properties) and it should start working. From there, you can figure out how to retrieve the value for the right locale. Without actually trying it, I think possibly <c:set> and <msg:format> (JSTL) and then use an expression inside the script.

Wendy Smoak

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