Sorry, forgot the Javascript file.

On 23/8/05 20:59, "Daniel Schaller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote (with possible deletions):

> Hi,
> Try the javascript in the attached file. Works brilliant for me:
> The function you need to use is moveOptions(srcID, targetID) where srcID and
> targetID are the IDs of your both select boxes.
> I hope that helps.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 23/8/05 20:22, "Laurie Harper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote (with possible
> deletions):
>> Unless I'm missing something, that is for populating combo boxes based on
>> selections in other combo boxes, e.g. for populating the State/Province
>> combo box based on Country selection, etc. That's not quite the same.
>> L.
>> C.F. Scheidecker Antunes wrote:
>>> Hi Laurie,
>>> I am trying to do the same and I've done some research. One of the
>>> things I've found is the one bellow.
>>> I would appreciate, if you find something diferent, to email it back to
>>> the list as well so that it would same time for me
>>> and other developers as well.
>>> Thanks,
>>> C.F.
>>> Maybe something like this would work for you:
>>> mbo%20boxes%20Builder
>>> <html>
>>> <head>
>>> <!--
>>> This file retrieved from the Javascript Archives
>>> 1000s of free ready to use scripts, tutorials, forums.
>>> Author: Mirko Elviro -
>>> -->
>>> <script language="JavaScript">
>>> /*
>>> *** Multiple dynamic combo boxes
>>> *** by Mirko Elviro, 9 Mar 2005
>>> ***
>>> ***Please do not remove this comment
>>> */
>>> // This script supports an unlimited number of linked combo boxed
>>> // Their id must be "combo_0", "combo_1", "combo_2" etc.
>>> // Here you have to put the data that will fill the combo boxes
>>> // ie. data_2_1 will be the first option in the second combo box
>>> // when the first combo box has the second option selected
>>> // first combo box
>>> data_1 = new Option("1", "$");
>>> data_2 = new Option("2", "$$");
>>> // second combo box
>>> data_1_1 = new Option("11", "-");
>>> data_1_2 = new Option("12", "-");
>>> data_2_1 = new Option("21", "--");
>>> data_2_2 = new Option("22", "--");
>>> data_2_3 = new Option("23", "--");
>>> data_2_4 = new Option("24", "--");
>>> data_2_5 = new Option("25", "--");
>>> // third combo box
>>> data_1_1_1 = new Option("111", "*");
>>> data_1_1_2 = new Option("112", "*");
>>> data_1_1_3 = new Option("113", "*");
>>> data_1_2_1 = new Option("121", "*");
>>> data_1_2_2 = new Option("122", "*");
>>> data_1_2_3 = new Option("123", "*");
>>> data_1_2_4 = new Option("124", "*");
>>> data_2_1_1 = new Option("211", "**");
>>> data_2_1_2 = new Option("212", "**");
>>> data_2_2_1 = new Option("221", "**");
>>> data_2_2_2 = new Option("222", "**");
>>> data_2_3_1 = new Option("231", "***");
>>> data_2_3_2 = new Option("232", "***");
>>> // fourth combo box
>>> data_2_2_1_1 = new Option("2211","%")
>>> data_2_2_1_2 = new Option("2212","%%")
>>> // other parameters
>>> displaywhenempty="-empty-"
>>> valuewhenempty=-1
>>> displaywhennotempty="-select-"
>>> valuewhennotempty=0
>>> function change(currentbox)
>>> {
>>> var numb ="_");
>>> var currentbox = numb[1];
>>> var i=parseInt(currentbox)+1;
>>> // I empty all combo boxes following the current one
>>> var _t=eval("typeof(document.getElementById('combo_"+i+"'))!='undefined'");
>>> while (_t && document.getElementById("combo_"+i)!=null)
>>> {
>>> var son = document.getElementById("combo_"+i);
>>> // I empty all options except the first (it isn't allowed)
>>> for (m=son.options.length-1;m>0;m--)
>>> son.options[m]=null;
>>> // I reset the first option
>>> son.options[0]=new Option(displaywhenempty,valuewhenempty);
>>> i=i+1;
>>> }
>>> // now I create the string with the "base" name ("stringa"), ie. "data_1_0"
>>> // to which I'll add _0,_1,_2,_3 etc to obtain the name of the combo box
>>> to fill
>>> var stringa='data';
>>> i=0;
>>> _t=eval("typeof(document.getElementById('combo_"+i+"'))!='undefined'");
>>> while (_t && document.getElementById("combo_"+i)!=null)
>>> {
>>> dex"); 
>>> if (i==currentbox)
>>> break;
>>> i=i+1;
>>> }
>>> // filling the "son" combo (if exists)
>>> var following=parseInt(currentbox)+1;
>>> ); 
>>> if (_t && document.getElementById("combo_"+following)!=null)
>>> {
>>> son=document.getElementById("combo_"+following);
>>> stringa=stringa+"_";
>>> i=0;
>>> while ((eval("typeof("+stringa+i+")!='undefined'")) || (i==0))
>>> {
>>> // if there are no options, I empty the first option of the "son" combo
>>> // otherwise I put "-select-" in it
>>> if ((i==0) && eval("typeof("+stringa+"0)=='undefined'"))
>>> if (eval("typeof("+stringa+"1)=='undefined'"))
>>> eval("son.options[0]=new Option(displaywhenempty,valuewhenempty)");
>>> else
>>> eval("son.options[0]=new Option(displaywhennotempty,valuewhennotempty)");
>>> else
>>> eval("son.options["+i+"]=new
>>> Option("+stringa+i+".text,"+stringa+i+".value)")
>>> i++;
>>> }
>>> //son.focus();
>>> i=1;
>>> combostatus='';
>>> cstatus=stringa.split("_");
>>> while (cstatus[i]!=null)
>>> {
>>> combostatus=combostatus+cstatus[i];
>>> i=i+1;
>>> }
>>> return combostatus;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> </script>
>>> </head>
>>> <body>
>>> <form>
>>> <select name="combo0" id="combo_0" onChange="change(this);"
>>> style="width:200px;">
>>> <option value="value1">-select-</option>
>>> <option value="value2">1</option>
>>> <option value="value3">2</option>
>>> </select>
>>> <BR><BR>
>>> <select name="combo1" id="combo_1" onChange="change(this)"
>>> style="width:200px;">
>>> <option value="value1"> </option>
>>> </select>
>>> <BR><BR>
>>> <select name="combo2" id="combo_2" onChange="change(this);"
>>> style="width:200px;">
>>> <option value="value1"> </option>
>>> </select>
>>> <BR><BR>
>>> <select name="combo3" id="combo_3" onChange="change(this);"
>>> style="width:200px;">
>>> <option value="value1"> </option>
>>> </select>
>>> </form>
>>> <BR><center><a title='Javascript' href=''
>>> <>>
>>> <></a></center>
>>> </body>
>>> </html>
>>> Laurie Harper wrote:
>>>> Does anybody have, or know of, a good HTML form 'widget' for managing
>>>> value lists, something like
>>>>    Available            Selected
>>>>   +---------+          +--------+
>>>>   | item A  |    >>|   |        |
>>>>   | item B  |    >>    |        |
>>>>   | item C  |    <<    |        |
>>>>   | ...     |   |<<    |        |
>>>> (you know the kind of thing ;-)
>>>> I'd like something that is used as similarly to the simple <html: form
>>>> controls as possible, and preferably something with some nice
>>>> client-side behaviour built in.
>>>> It's not rocket science, shouldn't be hard to build, but I thought I
>>>> might as well try to avoid reinventing the wheel ;-) [and yes, I know
>>>> this kind of thing is where JSF comes into its own, but JSF isn't an
>>>> option on this project...]
>>>> Thanks for any pointers,
>>>> L.
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