Ok, Looks like at least a few other people have found Struts guilty here.  I
have found a existing bug report 23372
http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=23372 that deals with this.
Basically Validator can handle indexed properties, but the indexed error
messages that it creates cannot be handled by the Struts custom JSP taglibs.
Perhaps I can write some custom taglibs to work around this.  On the subject
of custom taglibs if anyone is interested I have created a simple tutorial
based on a custom struts tag I created.  It is a custom <div> tag that lets
you change the class or id of the div when there are errors for the given
property.  Here is the link.  http://www.cuberick.com/?p=2  Lemme know if you
have any suggestions or questions.

On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 03:52:30PM -0500, Josh Cronemeyer wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 11:18:50AM -0500, Josh Cronemeyer wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've been playing with the indexedListProperty to validate what a user has
> > selected in my forms.  The problem I am having is that when an error message
> > gets returned, It does not get associated with the form element
> > (<html:multibox property="test"> in my case).  I think the problem is that
> > the message comes back with a key of test[x] where x is the index of the
> > error.  If I just print out my error messages like this <html:errors/> I can
> > see the error message, but <html:errors property="test"/> doesn't show
> > anything.  It seems like the <html:errors> tag should have an
> > indexedListProperty parameter as well so I can display my error messages
> > correctly.  What am i missing?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > josh cronemeyer
> > 
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> >
> I've looked all over in the struts user guide and googled for information on
> this.  It appears that while the validator can handle validation of indexed
> beans in forms, the struts JSP taglibs cannot handle the resulting indexed
> messages.  Could this be a bug?  It sure looks that way.
> Thanks, 
> josh cronemeyer 
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