Hi Jack,

You can grab the latest version off the Bugzilla ticket:


It's one of those things that you'll look at the code and go "D'oh! That's obvious as hell!", but amazingly I couldn't find anything similar anywhere before I wrote it (there *must* be something, I just didn't turn it up).


Dakota Jack wrote:
Frank, could you shoot this code to me?  That sounds interesting as
all get out!  Thanks ahead of time.

On 8/23/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There's no easy cross-platform way to do this, believe it or not.  Seems
like it should be in the SDK, but it isn't.

There is however some code I contributed to the Commons IO project that
does exactly this.  It is currently in SVN only, but I just submitted
some updates today that hopefully will allow it to be in the upcoming
1.1 (I believe) release).

In the mean time, you can grab FileSystemUtils.java from SVN and give it
a shot.  It depends on one other class from IO (ByteArrayOutputStream I
think), but you can use the standard version instead, it will compile
fine against it (IIRC, this adds the possibility of some other
exceptions you'd have to potentially handle, but otherwise it works).


Anuradha S.Athreya wrote:


How can I check for disk space  on the server before uploading a file on the

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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