Thanks for the reply. I'm trying to debug a machine
remotely for 10 minutes and set-up a streaming
connection. I get all those debug messages through the

I'm not familiar with log4j, but base on what you're
saying it needs variable assignment within my app's
context, so i guess that means a java code? It's what
I'm trying to achieve, execute some java code, but
it's only through calling a Struts path(then execute()
method) that i could think of. 

--- Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Who/what is/are generating the messages?
> (Im thinking that if you have capability to
> communicate with generator 
> perhaps you can cut it off at the source)
> If its logging I know log4j has capabilities to
> redirect from console to 
> socket to file based on variable assignments within
> your app's context
> ?
> Martin-
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Van Henreich Rontal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11:47 AM
> Subject: Executing java code w/out forwarding to
> another page
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm not sure if this has been tackled already or
> it's
> > a feature available to Struts cause I don't think
> it
> > is normally use.
> >
> > I have all these messages on a webpage and at a
> > certain point in time, I want to abort the
> generation
> > of these messages so i press an abort button. I
> would
> > then need some java code to be executed for
> cleanup. I
> > thought of placing it inside a struts action
> class,
> > but the problem with that is that in needs a
> forward
> > page, but I would not want my messages in the the
> > current page to be lost they'll be replaced with
> the
> > new forward page. Any idea how to get away with
> these?
> > I've thought of caching them. One way is to pass
> > messages on the request or session objects, which
> I
> > doubt if it is efficient enough cause there might
> be a
> > lot of these messages, or is it just ok and it's
> not
> > really inefficient?
> >
> > I tried returning a "null" instead of an
> ActionForward
> > on the Action's execute() method, but the webpage
> > generates an error. Any suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks a lot.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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