Problem solved :-) My jsp was encoded in UTF-8. Changing to iso-8859-1
fixed it.
"read out" should mean, use the getField() of the Form...
Leon Rosenberg schrieb:
Sorry, but what do you mean with "read out".
You have Ä in the jsp but ä in the console? If its a Win/DOS console,
it doesn't matter, because windows uses it's own encoding. (cp1250)
If its a unix/linux console, try to set the encoding of the console to
You also have to save the encoding of the database (if any) to iso.
If you have wrong values in the jsp, then:
what's your jsp page encoding?
try set the page directive to:
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" session="true" %>
or use iso-8859-15 is you want the €-sign
On Mon, 2005-08-29 at 08:37 +0200, Andreas Scheucher wrote:
I have got a JSP with an textarea. Whene i read out the value over the
getter from the related formBean, i get wrong characters for german
spezial characters:
äöüÄÖÜß ( right encoding is ä ö ü Ä .... ß
becomes to äöü����
Can anybody tell me, what to do to get the characters in the rigth
I am relatively new to web programming. Hence I am not that fitt in
encodings and things like this.
Thanks in advance,
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