Hello all,
I have a radiobutton group called categID. Once the form is submited it
goes to the following form bean:
*<form-bean* name="catForm" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm"*>*
*<form-property* name="categID" type="java.lang.String"*/>*
That is the catForm has an attribute called categID with the value posted.
This is a DynaActionForm that resides on the session scope.
Once the form is submited I need to show the radio group again on the
next page with the one selected already checked.
How can I check this DynaActionForm from the session on the JSP and see
if the corresponding radiobutton is to be checked or not?
My JSP is as follows:
<logic:iterate id="row" name="rowCatSet" property="rows"> <tr>
<td width="6%" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><input name="cat_ID"
type="radio" value="<bean:write name="row" property="catID"/>"></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><span class="style32"><bean:write
name="row" property="Title"/></span></td>
The problem is that I am already iterating a bean to fill up the value
of the radiobuttons. If I am to use the <html:radio/> tag
then I would need a way to have the bean row catID property value inside
the tag. How can I accomplish it?
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