Fyi, Struts 1.3 is moving to a Validator 1.2 dependency.  This version
includes support for the form "extends" attribute which provides just
what you were asking for.


On 8/26/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quinn Stone wrote:
> > Is there any way to define the validation for a common form field once in
> > validation.xml and re-use the validation in other <form> blocks?
> >
> > This would allow validation.xml to be updated in one place rather than many
> > places, if validation requirements change for a field that is used on many
> > forms. It would also help ensure that I (or others) won't accidentally
> > incorrectly code different validations for the same field on different 
> > forms.
> > The benefits will compound if I start writing custom validation routines.
> >
> > I am new to Struts, and this is my first project using it, so I hope I'm not
> > missing something obvious.
> I guess what you're looking for is the ability to specify a list/set of
> validations (e.g. 'depends="required,mask"') and associated parameters,
> messages, etc. once for a field and have that same configuration applied on
> different forms using that field, right? Unfortunately, as far as I know,
> validator doesn't provide any facility to accomplish that directly.
> However, I can think of one or two ways you could achieve it.
> The first would be using XML entities to setup and reference your re-used
> validations, something like:
> <DOCTYPE ... [
> <!ENTITY field1   "<field name="loginid" depends="required"...>
> ]>
> ...
> <form ...>
>   &field1;
>   ...
> </form>
> (it may take some fiddling with syntax in the entity definition, and using
> external entities might be easier).
> The second would be to define custom validation rules that encapsulate the
> required composition and parameterization under a single name so that
> everywhere the field is used you'd specify 
> 'depends="my-composite-validation"'.
> If there are any better ways to do this, I'd be interested to hear about
> them too :-)
> L.
> --
> Laurie Harper
> Open Source advocate, Java geek:
> Founder, Zotech Software:
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