I have used the <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="300; 
URL=../action/Logout.do"/> tag in an application that is very information 
sensitive. The idea is that the sensitive information does not stay 
displayed unused for nothing. This was a user requirement.
BTW, you don't need an iframe.

Also, you can never catch all instances where a logout will occur, such as 
logging off the machine... or just pressing the power button.

- Glenn

Leon Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
31/08/2005 08:17 AM
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Re: logout problem

On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 12:46 +0100, Adam Hardy wrote:
> Emmanouil Batsis on 31/08/05 12:37, wrote:
> > Sławek Tuleja wrote:
> >> question: but how to evoke Logoff action when user closes browser?
> > 
> > In general you dont :-) You just wait for the session to expire using
> > a session event listener. However, if the client supports javascript,
> > you can catch the onclose event and perhaps submit an XMLHTTPRequest
> > to the server (if the object is supported), but you cannot actually
> > rely on this.
> If you're mad keen on the idea and wish to avoid javascript, put an 
> invisible iframe in the page with a
>   <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="15; URL=../action/redirect.html"/>
> in the header, so that the client's browser continually polls the 
> server, and set a listener to do something when it stops. I would never 
> do that myself though ;)

why not?

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