I think I should try to explain my problem a little better. After
some debugging and searching I found out that my url generation
within portlet is the problem.. specifically

channel.setLocation("Login.do?method=selectCMAForm&cellPointId=" +

It just resets my TreeView but dosent call the Struts Action --

I found that I would need to use portlerResponse.encodeURL to
generate URL's within portlet. So I tried to do this.

channel.setLocation(response.encodeURL("/wps/myportal" +
request.getContextPath() + "/Login.do?
method=selectCMAForm&cellPointId=" + form.getChannel()));

But this also dosent seem to call the Struts Action (selectCMAForm)
from the Portlet. It does the same thing -- resets my TreeView. This
is the url generated by it in my browser window...


Also one thing is that when i looked in my portal logs i get this
strange error.. i hadnt noticed earlier..

2005.08.30 10:31:12.202 W com.ibm.wps.engine.Servlet doGet()
teException: Unspecified message ()

I would appreciate any help from anybody who has used Struts within 
JSR 168 portlet. I am having trouble calling Struts Actions from the 

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], kunjal shah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to Struts Framework. I am developing a Struts based JSR 
168 portlet on WepSphere Portal 5.1 platform. I needed some help 
with an error I am getting in designing a Tree based hierarchial 
View in the portlet. I am using Struts DispatchAction class to 
forward the user to the Tree based navigation. This is the jsp code 
fragment for this.
> <html:form urlType="standard" action="Login.do">
> Here I am calling the unspecified method in my DispatchAction 
> This works fine and the tree is populated inside my Action class 
and displayed through a JSP (ActionForward). Now I am trying to 
associate action handling with the links within Tree View 
(MenuComponent)  doing something like this in my Action Class. 
> channel.setLocation("Login.do?method=selectCMAForm&cellPointId=" + 
> Here channel is my MenuComponent -- the last node within the tree..
> This dosent seem to work and selectCMAForm method within the 
Action class is not called. I tried to call any outside link through 
my action class like 
> channel.setLocation("http://www.google.com";); This works. 
> I also tried to call my DispatchAction method directly through the 
jsp like
> <html:form urlType="standard" action="Login.do?
> This also works and the selectCMAForm method is called. May be I 
am missing something here. I would appreciate any help or tips with 
this problem. I am using an ActionForm which is getting populated 
inside the Action class. 
> Thanks
> - Kunjal. 
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