You can also build a javascript array of the descriptions.
When the user selects the option from the list, execute a javascript 
function that will do a lookup for the description in the array and set a 
hidden form field with the description found in the array.

It may happen that the character you use to delimit the key and value will 
end up in the value and then the fun starts !


01/09/2005 12:07 PM
Please respond to
"Struts Users Mailing List" <>

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Re: Select Options Question

On the result page I only need the Label for the selected option. Not the 
entire list. The problem is that when you submit the form, you only submit 
the value in the form object and loose the label. I need to pass the label 
as well so that I do not have to requery for it.

The way that i have it currently is that the value contains a comma 
delemited string containing both the label and key (overkill on the 
bandwidth I know). In my action class, I do a string.split on the comma 
and pass the first value to my DAO processor and the Second value I put in 
my form for display. It is the only way I could think of without iterating 
through the options or storing the initial results which populate the 
option list.

"Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
09/01/2005 11:28 AM 

Please respond to
"Struts Users Mailing List" <>


Struts Users Mailing List <>



Re: Select Options Question

I'm not sure I understand... do you just need to have the group name 
when you display the detail for the selected item, or do you need the 
entire select list (to avoid getting it from the datavase each time?)

If you just need the grou pname, could you simply put the group name in 
session?  May or may not work depending on the flow of your app, but it 
would be a nice, simple solution if it'll work... just remember to clear 
it out at an appropriate time.

The other option that comes to mind immediately is indeed to use 
Javascript... seems like all you'd need is a form with two hidden 
fields, groupName and value... onChange of the select, populate those 
two fields and submit() the form.  You'd then have both pieces of 
information to render your detail page.

Or maybe I don't understand the problem?


> I am sure there is a slick way to do this, but it escapes me at the 
> I have a Select Box that I am populating with the <html:options> tag The
> result is:
> <select name="cmbGroup" id="groupList">
>     <option value="jk12341">Group 1</option>
>     <option value="34t1fv1">Group 2</option>
>     <option value="32fq21">Group 3</option>
>    ...
> </select>
> I need the value for DAO actions performed from the search which will
> return a detail bean for display on an output JSP.
> On the output JSP I need to Display the Group Name that I selected from 
> input.  My Form holds the group id and a field for the group name.  The
> options that I can see are:
> 1.  Requery the Database for the output page to retrieve the name given 
> have the key.  This would work, but seems like a lot of overhead to go 
> the database each time.
> 2.  Create a delimited value (ie <option value="jk12341, Group 1">Group
> 1</option>) and use the String Split to get the value and label.  (I am
> leaning toward this)
> 3.  use javascript to update the field each time the select changes. The
> problem with this is that the select box can be very large based on the
> users selections on previous entries.
> 4.  Store the Value Label list in the session (Don't like this at all
> because the volume of users that will use this application).
> Any other suggestions?

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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