On Thursday 01 September 2005 19:26, Larry Meadors wrote:
> iBATIS is 100% thread-safe.
> Larry
> PS: can you point me to a good example of a Spring-based DAO
> implementation?

Hm...IMHO one good example would be the JPetstore sample
app that comes with the Spring distribution, for instance.
Good in particular, as its not overly complex, plus you can
compare it to the 'traditional' iBATIS JPetStore app. The
architecture has slightly changed (the former 'service'
functionality now rather completely wandered underneath
'domain.logic', in the Facade implementation, which
is IMHO ok in this case, as it's mostly delegating everything
anyway). This is one of the samples I profited the most from
when evaluating Spring. Another good starting point would be
Matt Raible's AppFuse, which is basically for Hibernate and
a little bit more complex. Those two are kind of my 'reference
samples' when it comes to Spring :-) Note that in both cases,
the DAOs are very lean and don't contain any messy
synchronization code.

But IMHO the really cool thing about IoC (not to mention the
AOP functionality) is that you finally can achieve really
loose coupling throughout your entire app, and its simple.
In fact, we could replace virtually anything in our current
app by a different implementation, declaratively (apart
from providing the new implementation class, implemen-
ting the same interface). Another benefit is that Spring
is non-intrusive by design and you can happily stick to
the technology stack you already know it works. For
instance, we still use Struts/Tiles instead of Spring MVC
or JSF. Clearly worth a look, but be warned: if you've
used it once, you won't ever want to go back :-)

-- Chris.

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