DISCLAIMER: I'm new to Struts.  I've read a bunch of stuff, I've checked FAQs, 
etc., so if my question happens to be covered in TFM I apologize.  It wasn't 
for lack of trying.

I have an application that I'm now supporting (didn't do any of the original 
development) that uses Struts.  Good for it.  One of the screens in the 
application is a customer info screen.  When the user first accesses the 
screen, it only displays a query form.  There's a bunch of optional info you 
can fill out to filter the search, but all you really need to input is the 
customer ID number.  That form is backed by subclass of ValidatorForm.  Once a 
customer ID is submitted, the screen updates to display info about that 
particular customer.

I'm adding a new screen to the application which lists all customers that match 
a particular query.  Each customer (in theory) is hyperlinked so that clicking 
on them brings you to that customer info screen, displaying info about the 
clicked-on customer.

Based on what I've seen (http://wiki.apache.org/struts/StrutsFormBeans), it 
appears I should be able to pass URL-based parameters into a Form Bean, which 
is how I'd like to handle the hyperlink 
(http://foobar.com/customerInfo.do?customerId=123).  I just haven't seen any 
examples of HOW to do this.  One last tidbit: the app is currently using Struts 
1.1, and upgrading really isn't an option at this moment.

So: how do I go about using an ActionForm for a screen that can be accessed 
either by submitting a form (POST) or by clicking on a link (GET)?



Kyle Adams | Java Developer  |  Gordon Food Service  |  616-717-6162

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