So popular in fact that there is a Wiki entry for it :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, September 6, 2005 9:03 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> "Anuradha S.Athreya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/06/2005
> 07:56:19 AM:
>> I have a link in a JSP :
>> <html:link action="myAction"  >
>>                Click here
>> </html:link>
>> On Clicking this link, an action is performed and another JSP (forwarded
> by
>> the Action) opens up.
>> Instead of opening the whole JSP , I want it to open in a window , by
>> calling the a javascript function -
>> How do I specify the action to be performed when calling
> If you have a form with a submit button then you can simply set
> target="_blank" in your form and that will open up a new window. Since you
> have a link you can use throw a <form tag with target="_blank" around the
> link, then use Javascript with an onClick="form.submit()"..
> Google for something like "javascript new window struts action" and you
> will get lots of info. This is a popular question..:)
> Regards,
> Geeta

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