I'm sure my Sun JSF book covers this some where but I'm looking over the navigation chappers and I'm still not sure how do something REALLY simple...

All I want is a link that will go to "employeesSearch.jsp"

Currently employeeSearch.jsp will fire off the prerender because I have "employeesSearch" mapped as a managed bean:



So that when index.jps does...

<jsp:forward page="/employeesSearch.faces"/>

The EmployeesSearchAction prerender fires.

Now, I just want to have a menu link available that also will go to this 'employeeSearch.jsp' page. I know I can get it to work if I create a commandLink and make a method in EmployeeSearchAction for it to call (used to be setUpForSearch), but now since I'm using prerender I don't need that method anymore but I'm having a 'duh' moment on how to create the stinkin link that will get to me employeeSearch.jsp? I tried...

<h:outputLink value="employeesSearch.jsp">
                <h:outputText value="Search"/>

But that didn't work:( I'm not surprised it didn't since I didn't see it generate the web context name, which makes sense since I'm guessing that tag is used more for creating verbatim links and it doesn't trigger the JSF life cycle.

I've tried using commandLink in different ways and think that is really what I'm supposed to be using but I can't seem to get that working correctly either for this scenario.

TIA, I know I'm just being an idiot here.


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