--- Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is a Reference Implementation available from Sun at the bottom
> of 
> http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr052/ (linked to
> from the 
> URL you posted above).

actually i visited that page before but only found docs for download. 
no actual implementation...

> Jakarta has another implementation of the spec, called "Jakarta
> Standard 
> Taglib".  (One implementation for each version of the JSTL spec.) 
> And that 
> (the 1.0 verson) is what Struts distributes with Struts-EL.
> If I got all my acronyms straight, hopefully that clears things up
> somewhat. 
> :)

yea, i went there just now and saw the 1.1 and the 1.0 implementations,
and also the note about which implementation works under with which
servlet and jsp specs.

i think my confusion relates to 'spec' vs 'implementation'.  Sun seems
to be the keeper of the specs, while Jakarta implements them.  i keep
expecting everything to be in one place, because they have tutorials
and all sorts of documentation on it.  but in reality, it's like "we
have lots of info about it here, but we don't actually know where to
get it, sorry..."

are there even other implementations of JSTL (ie. by other vendors)? 
...don't answer that.  it only took one implementation to confuse me,
lol.  and i'm happy with it, and in fact the perfect world would only
have one implementation of every spec known to mankind.  wouldn't that
be great!  :D


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