
Theres an open bugzilla ticket for the same kind of thing:

Changing the prepareAttribute() method in o.a.s.t.h.BaseHandlerTag will deal
with alot of the html taglib attributes that are simply output. For
alt/altkey and title/titleKey - the message() method in BaseHandlerTag deals
with those attributes.

Having said that I added a trim() to the label for the SubmitTag a while ago
and that caused a problem for someone who relied on the fact that it would
emit value=" " so I'm wondering if adding a length() check is going to cause
anyone else issues?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Laurie Harper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 4:30 AM

> The main reason not to do it that way is the number of attributes
> involved and the combinatoric explosion involved in handling things that
> way -- especially since most of them are optional.
> It's not just attributes that have a 'foo' and a 'fooKey' that are the
> issue. Writing foo="${foo}" is not equivalent to leaving the 'foo'
> attribute unspecified even when the tag file is itself invoked with no
> 'foo' attribute :-(
> L.
> Kishore Senji wrote:
> > I don't know how much of work it would be to modify those tags, however,
> > just wondering why you wouldn't want to have such logic outside the
> > struts tag.
> >
> > You could have logic in the tag file which, If both "alt" and "altKey"
> > just "alt" is given, uses "alt" value and if just "altKey" is given then
> > fetches the value from the message resources using <bean:message/> and
> > that.
> > <html:text property="${property}" alt="${resolvedAltValue} .../>
> >
> >
> > On 9/10/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>This isn't really Struts specific, but I'm trying to wrap some of the
> >>Struts HTML tags with tag files (in order to compose them into more
> >>complex 'controls') and I'm running into a slight problem... Some
> >>attributes are mutually exclusive (e.g. 'alt' vs. 'altKey'). I can't see
> >>a way to pass attributes through from the tag file to the Struts tag
> >>that works with this constraint. For example, if I write a tag file like
> >>this:
> >>
> >><[EMAIL PROTECTED] name="property" required="true" rtexprvalue="true"%>
> >><[EMAIL PROTECTED] name="alt" required="false" rtexprvalue="true"%>
> >><[EMAIL PROTECTED] name="altKey" required="false" rtexprvalue="true"%>
> >>...
> >><html:text property="${property}" alt="${alt} altKey="${altKey}" .../>
> >>
> >>then, regardless of whether I set alt and/or altKey in the call to the
> >>tag file, the html:text tag complains that I can't specify both
> >>attributes. I've tried passing in the values using "${empty alt ? null :
> >>alt}" but get the same result.
> >>
> >>Does anyone know a way to work around this (i.e. a 'correct' way to
> >>pass-through attributes from tag files to custom tags)?
> >>
> >>Failing that, how big a deal would it be to change the Struts tags to
> >>treat the empty string equivalently to 'null' when performing these
> >>checks? [I'll happy put together a patch to do that]

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