I have seen code in open source projects like Commons Chain which does
not use some of the good design principles like command-query
separation. Are decisions like these made without any justifications? If
yes, then it needs to be documented. It is overwhelming to someone who
is new to open source development to do the documentation. Looks like
this requires lot of search in the email archives. Any thoughts on this?


-----Original Message-----
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 12:33 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: To Whom it may concern

Hi Mario, contributing to Open Source can be exciting and frustrating at

the same time.  I'm happy that you've decided to volunteer your time.

I would say your best bet is to decide on what you'd like to do.  This 
should be something that interests you, which, typically, would be 
something you are having to do at work for work, but that's not always 
the case.

If you aren't sure where you want to help out, a good place to start 
would be to help out with documentation.  This is often the area that is

lacking in *many* open source projects.  Of if you want write some code 
and not docs, you could add to or improve the projects test coverage.

There are many ways to help.  No need to send a resume.  Your work is 
your resume, a thriving community is your salary, and any "thank you" 
from a user is your bonus.

Welcome to Apache!

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM:   jmitchtx
Skype: callto://jmitchtx

> Hello again.
> I've never contributed to the Apache Project before, but am a regular
> of its tools and love working with it. This March, I will likely be
> off because of the merger between Federated and May companies. I will
> given a severance package and have decided that I would like to spend
> months living abroad and contributing to the project. Naturally I
> expect to start out as anything more than a Volunteer, but would 
> appreciate the challenges of a Committer. I'm writing this now because

> when the time comes, I would like to jump in with a large load, just
> keep the momentum going. That means I'd probably start doing some
> contributing to a specific sub-project and stick with it. 
>  I've worked for the USPS, the DOD, and now for May/Federated. I'm a
BS in 
> Com Sci with a math minor (like I'll ever use that again!), am of the 
> Meyer OOP school, with a clear understanding of j2ee development and 
> N-tier architecture.  I can provide my resume to whomever needs it, so

> just ask. 
> Thanks for your time, and looking forward to hearing from someone,
> Mariano Hernandez

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