Two notes:

1. Be careful when modifying ActionForwards to make sure that you aren't
modifying the shared, system-wide instance. That can be a nasty side
effect. You can make a copy of the ActionForward object, change it, and
return the copy from your Action.execute() method to get around this

2. Servlet Filters and HttpRequestWrappers do provide a means to mess
with the request parameters (since you can override getParameter()).
However, I doubt that is useful in this context.


On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 09:23 -0400, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> We're actually talking about two different things... there are request
> PARAMETERS and request ATTRIBUTES.  What you say is of course accurate,
> you can call setAttribute() on a request and forward it along and you'll
> have access to those attributes.  But that is different from parameters. 
> They are stored in two different collections, and are accessed with two
> different methods (getAttribute() as opposed to getParameter()).
> Parameters can only be attached to a request by appending a query string
> to the URI being requested, or POSTing a form that includes them.  The
> servlet spec, up to and including 2.4 apparently, does not provide a way
> to add parameters, only attributes.
> Frank
> On Wed, September 14, 2005 2:51 am, Holshausen, Ron said:
> > If you want to just forward the request along, just add any parameters
> > to the request object via the setAttribute method.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 14 September 2005 08:46
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: Re: Adding parameters to redirected forwards
> >
> > Xavier Vanderstukken wrote:
> >> IS that class really performs a redirect request?
> >> Can I use the setRedirect method to false to performs a forward with
> >> parameters?
> >
> > Interesting question... someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I
> > believe the answer is no.  Well, to be more precise, you *may* be able
> > tp setRedirect(false) to do a forward, I do not know for sure, but you
> > won't be able to add parameters.
> >
> > Up to and including servlet spec 2.4, there is no addParameter() method
> > of HttpServletRequest, or any superclass.  Since when you do a forward
> > you are passing the same request along, you would need this method to
> > add parameters.
> >
> > When you do a redirect however, the URL you redirect to includes the
> > parameters as a query string.
> >
> > So, no, I do not believe it is ever possible, with ActionRedirect or
> > not, to add parameters when doing a forward, only when doing a redirect.
> >
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> >> .
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Frank W. Zammetti
> > Founder and Chief Software Architect
> > Omnytex Technologies
> >
> >
> >
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