Gary VanMatre wrote:
The only difference is instead of <span jsfid=content.html /> in profile
screen I need profile.html and in main I need main.html components. How
can I do this?
Well... to me, this sounds like a job for Tiles. Gary, what do you think?
Yes, I agree. The role of Clay is to glue togather JSF components. This is at a smaller granularity than pulling together page fragments as tiles does.
Thanks for clarifications.Actually I thought that combining tiles in
clay is more flexible solution.For example I'd can to change in my page
not entry fragment but only one component or some of its properties (in
tiles we have to use variable, populated in tiles context to specify
that for profile screen some component have one color and in main
screen - another color - it's not clear solution)
Another question about html views (since they are more interesting in
practical use). For example I have main.html component and profile.html
component. The both have submit buttons - but I want distinguish that
one button is for main.html and another one - for profile.html. In
rolodex example all components are specified in one config file without
any hierarchy - so I should invent some naming convention (e.g
addressBookPanelNotesTabSubmitButton etc) to be sure that component ids
will not fail to conflict. It's not convenient - because if I'll change
name for mainPage I should change names for all component. Is it
possible to do by other way?
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